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At Active Reload Chiropractic and Physiotherapy, we believe in providing the best care out there so that you can get out of pain and back to performing at your highest level, faster than than anywhere else. Unlike your typical chiropractic or physical therapy clinic, at Active Reload you will spend your entire 1 hour session, one on one with your highly skilled doctor who will take you through a customized plan tailored to your goals. Unlike your typical practice that wants to see you for multiple visits a week for months on end, we believe in educating and empowering you to take control of your health journey. This allows us to decrease the frequency of your visits, saving you time and money. Our mission is to empower our community to become the healthiest versions of themselves, FOR LIFE!


At Active Reload, we pride ourselves on providing you the best care needed to get you back to feeling your best the fastest! Unfortunately, insurance companies don't care about what is best for you, only what is best of them. At Active Reload, we are Out-Of-Network with insurance companies so that we can dictate your care and get you the best results. When you work with us, you will always be working for a full hour, one-on-one with one of our highly trained doctors so that you can reach your goals the fastest. You will NEVER be passed off to a tech or have to share your time with 2-3 other patients.
However, if you would like to submit for insurance reimbursement, we can always provide you a superbill to send to your insurance for out-of-network reimbursement. We also accept HSA and FSA cards, in-fact this is what many of our patients use.

CLICK HERE for more information on the benefits of working with an out-of-network provider. 


As with every other visit at  Active Reload Chiropractic and Physiotherapy, your first session is a full hour, 1-on-1 with your highly skilled doctor. For this session, please where athletic attire, as we will have you moving a good amount during this visit. During this session, we will discuss what you have going on and then your overall goals. You will then be taken through a full exam and movement analysis to get to the root cause of your pain or injury. During this visit, you will have a full understanding of why your are having the pain and the plan to resolve it! During this session, we will usually begin some hands on treatment and provide you a few exercises to start your journey to becoming pain free. We will also discuss the best treatment package necessary for you to reach your desired goals.
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